An Australian mother who gave birth to quintuplets in January has released a photo shoot of her unlikely new arrivals.
resident Kim Tucci, 26, took just two minutes to give birth to her four
daughters and one son, who were conceived naturally.
The chance of conceiving quintuplets naturally is about one in 55 million.
Tucci's story gained prominence through her Facebook page, Surprised by
Five, where she recorded the details of her pregnancy.
Local business Erin Elizabeth Photography, which helped document Mrs Tucci's pregnancy, organised the quintuplets' photo shoot.
fingers 50 toes, 6 hearts beating at once. My body fought the toughest
of battles to get five babies here safely," Mrs Tucci, 26, wrote when
she posted the photos.
"Everything I did I did for them."
an interview with Australian current affairs program 60 Minutes in
April, Mrs Tucci said she felt like her body was "shutting down" during
the pregnancy.
said that doctors originally offered her the choice of saving two of
the babies while terminating the others, due to serious health risks to
both her and the unborn children.
"No-one thought I could do it, and I did, I showed everyone in my life," Mrs Tucci told 60 Minutes.
Mrs Tucci and her husband Vaughn already have a nine-year-old son and daughters aged two and four.
The Tuccis are attempting to raise money for a van that is big enough to fit their entire family.
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