jumoke and friends

Our Bread-seller turn Model said fame will not stop her form being friends to her other agege bread sellers  
“Yesterday, Becky Ebanehita Madojemu of NTA news line did a documentary on Olajumoke and we ended up at the Liberty bakery where Olajumoke worked and lived with her 14months baby, it will be aired this Sunday 14th February 2016, please tune in and get to know more about this woman called Olajumoke.
In this picture Olajumoke was with her friends and fellow agege bread sellers and she has told us that fame will not stop her from being friends with them” Azuka revealed.
 jumoke and friends2

Took the NTA crew to the bakery where she worked before she found fame after photo-bombing a TY Bello shoot. 

 Also making her husband a proud man.

Olajumoke and her husband


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